
Our programs provide our players with an understanding of peer socialization, team/group dynamics, and physical exercise by introducing and teaching age-appropriate technical and tactical soccer skills. All of this is carried out in a safe environment that will foster an appreciation and love for the “beautiful” game.



Together Everyone Accomplishes More

We are always seeking help for our Vaqueros FC and Vaqueritos Recreational Programs

Nonprofits rely heavily on volunteers to conduct their mission, goals, and objectives. This includes providing direct support to our players or indirect support to the organization itself.

- If you are interested in supporting our organization in this or other capacities, please contact our Chief Executive Officer at coachK@vaquerosfc.org.

Poway Youth Soccer League (PYSL) holds monthly board meetings. Active members in good standing are welcome to attend board meetings.

- Please contact our Vice President of Administration at admin@vaquerosfc.org, to confirm the meeting time and location.


Board of Directors Job Descriptions

  • President

    • Have responsibility for the overall operation of the PYSL subject to the authority of the Board of Directors
    • Preside at all meetings
    • Delegate authority, assign specific functions, and recommend the creation of special committees.
    • Make appointments to committees with the approval of the Board of Directors. Represent the PYSL in matters involving affiliated organizations and other social, recreational, and sports groups.
    • Represent PYSL to the Poway City Council, Poway Unified School District, and other governmental and professional agencies as necessary in support of the City/Parks/Schools Liaison.
    • Authorize expenditures not over five hundred dollars ($500.00) without action by the Board of Directors.
    • Prepare an Annual Report for and preside at the Annual General Meeting.
    • Serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
    • Perform other duties as deemed necessary by the board and individual vision(s).
  • Chief Operating Officer

    • Report to and collaborate directly with PYSL CEO/PVSC GM to assist with the facilitation of competitive programs run by the club
    • Organize and administer team manager meetings for the competitive programs
    • Act as a communication conduit between the PVSC GM and team managers as necessary
    • Document and distribute meeting minutes from team manager meetings to the board
    • Handle PYSL correspondence and daily operations
    • Maintain files of club correspondence and records
    • Support logistical matters for competitive activities (i.e., practice gear and uniforms) as needed and directed by the Executive Director of Competitive
    • Perform other duties as deemed necessary by board and individual vision(s)
  • Chief Marketing Officer

    • Report to and collaborate directly with PYSL CEO to assist with marketing our competitive and recreation programs
    • Collaborate and create branding strategies with executive staff for future growth of PYSL and PVSC
    • Organize and administer any marketing materials through our social media platforms
    • Responsible for web design upkeep and importing of recent marketing and promotional materials
    • Responsible for creating public relation materials to promote club activities and special events
    • Establish social media influence per marketing calendar events, storyline activities, and player, team, and coach of the month plaudits
    • Perform other duties as deemed necessary by board and individual vision(s)

  • VP of Administration

    • Maintain accurate and detailed minutes of PYSL meetings
    • Maintain corporate records, including minutes, bylaws, and articles
    • Handle PYSL correspondence and provide notice of all meetings
    • Distribute meeting minutes from previous months’ board meetings once approved
    • Maintain accurate and up- to-date listing of all PYSL members
    • Maintain web site calendar of events to provide accurate dates, times, and locations of events
    • Through collaboration with CEO, organize and run operations of annual Juggle-a-thon fundraiser
    • Oversee special event activities and coordinator
    • Perform other duties as deemed necessary by board and individual vision(s)

  • VP of Finances

    • Have the care and custody of all funds belonging to the PYSL organization
    • Maintain accurate records of account payable and account receivable transactions
    • Keep accurate and up-to-date records of PYSL properties and fiscal bookkeeping
    • Send or cause to be given to the members and directors such financial statements and reports as are required to be provided by law
    • Render a written account of monthly PYSL finance balances and activities at regular and general meetings
    • Perform other duties as deemed necessary by board and individual vision(s)
  • VP of Facilities

    • Procure all field permits as deemed necessary by the Executive Director of Competitive and Director of Recreation
    • Manage field lighting schedule as necessary 
    • Communicate with City/Parks/Schools all field issues that may arise and need their attention
    • Represent the League on the Poway Youth Sports Association
    • Be responsible for playing area and playing area equipment management, maintenance, and repair
    • Work with outside resources to ensure proper lining of all fields as necessary
    • Ensure all fields have all necessary equipment (i.e., goal posts, flags, etc) and are ready and safe for use at all times
    • Perform other duties as may be necessary
    • Working with Executive Director of Competitive and Director of Recreation to ensure that all games have referees
    • Communicate with referee services and schedulers any and all issues that may arise during games
    • Perform other duties as deemed necessary by board and individual vision(s)
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